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    Harding University
  Feb 06, 2025
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
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2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Carr College of Nursing


Dean: Susan Kehl, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.E.


Cathleen M. Shultz, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.E., F.A.A.N., A.N.E.F.

Associate Professors:

Janice Bingham, M.S.N., R.N., F.N.P. 
Susan Kehl, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.E.
Cheryl Lee, Ph.D., R.N., C.N.E., C.W.O.C.N. 
Jerry Myhan, M.S.N., R.N., A.P.N., B.C.
Debby Nutt, D.N.P., R.N.

Assistant Professors:

Jeanie Burt, M.A., M.S.N., R.N., C.N.E.
Dona Clarin, D.N.P., R.N., F.N.P.-B.C.
Jackie Harris, M.N.Sc., R.N., C.N.E.
Karen Kelley, M.S.N., R.N.
Nona Lacy, M.S.N., R.N., R.N.C.-N.I.C.
Juli Lane, M.S.N., R.N., C.N.E., SANE-P
Tara Sanders, M.S.N., R.N.
Patty Smith, B.S.N., R.N., C.C.R.N.

Instructor (non-instructional):

Ronda Reely, B.S.N., R.N.

The Carr College of Nursing offers multiple admission opportunities to prepare baccalaureate nurses for the challenges and rewards of professional nursing. The undergraduate nursing program is continuing accreditation with conditions by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN) 3343 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326, 404-975-5000, (; and has continuing full approval of the Arkansas State Board of Nursing (ASBN) University Tower Building, 1123 South University Ave., Suite 800, Little Rock, AR 72204-1619, 501-686-2700 (

The undergraduate program offers curriculum tracks to meet the individualized needs of students including: (a) a four-year, full-time Traditional Track which culminates with the awarding of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree (part-time options are available); and (b) an Advanced Placement Track (APT) which is available to students who hold a current unencumbered nursing license (registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and licensed psychiatric technical nurses). The Carr College of Nursing has adopted the Arkansas articulation plan, which serves to facilitate the advanced placement of licensed nurses (LPN and RN) within degree completion curriculum tracks. An individualized degree completion plan is collaboratively designed with the APT student; this culminates in the awarding of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree (full- or part-time options are available).

Mission and Philosophy: The Carr College of Nursing’s mission statement is “Developing Nurses as Christian Servants.”

The nursing program fosters a supportive environment that challenges professional nursing students to reach their full potential. The program’s purpose is to provide a quality professional education that leads to an understanding and philosophy of life consistent with Christian ideals. This involves the following goals:

  1. The preparation of graduates who provide nursing care reflective of their faith and Christian service and who value lifelong intellectual growth.
  2. The encouragement of practice-oriented critical thinking that acknowledges dependence on God and is built upon a liberal arts foundation.
  3. The development of a commitment to Christian values, ethics, intellectual excellence, and undergraduate standards of professional nursing practice.
  4. The promotion of supportive personal and professional relationships.
  5. The promotion of lifelong health habits that contribute to a better quality of life physically, spiritually, psychologically and socially.
  6. The emphasis of a servant-leadership lifestyle that prepares graduates who have a respect for diverse cultures and an understanding of world missions.

Admission to the Program: Admission to the undergraduate Nursing Program requires a 2.0 overall GPA, a 2.5 GPA in prenursing courses, and junior standing. Priority for admission is given to students with high prenursing GPA’s. To remain in the program, the student must maintain a 2.5 GPA in nursing, including a grade of “C” or better in all nursing courses, and make satisfactory progress toward the degree.

Admissions occur twice per year. Students who wish to enter the undergraduate nursing program must file an admission application with the Carr College of Nursing. Students who wish to enter fall or spring must apply for admission to the Carr College of Nursing by the following dates: March 1 for fall and October 1 for spring. Contact the assistant to the dean (501-279-4682) or e-mail for further admission information and application forms. No final action will be taken on an application until the student has been admitted to the University, all prerequisites have been met, and the application has been received. Reference evaluations must be completed prior to being considered for admission.

The student must submit health documents electronically indicating health status, completion of current immunizations including Varicella (chicken pox), Hepatitis A and B vaccinations, tuberculosis skin test (PPD/intradermal) or chest X-ray, influenza vaccination, and other laboratory results as indicated by the Carr College of Nursing, prior to participating in clinical activities of the nursing program. Current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is required. Health and disability insurance coverage are strongly recommended. Official transcripts of all college credit granted elsewhere must be submitted to the registrar. Reference forms must be completed prior to consideration for admission.

Licensures for Nursing Practice

Graduates of the undergraduate program in nursing are eligible to apply for the National Council Licensure Examinations for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) in any state and U.S. territories, are qualified for generalist positions in professional nursing practice, and are qualified for graduate studies in nursing. 

According to ASBN regulations, nursing majors may take the Arkansas Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) exam following successful completion of the pediatric course (NURS 450 ). Interested students are encouraged to contact the dean for further information.

International Students

If the applicant is not born in the United States or in a country where English is the official language, the applicant may document their English proficiency in one of two ways:

  1. An official TOEFL iBT composite score of at least 83 with a minimum speaking score requirement of 26 (out of 30(90%)). The test must have been taken within the last calendar year of admission. Official TOEFL exam score report reflecting successful completion must be received no later than the nursing program application deadline date. The TOEFL iBT test can be taken in the Harding University Testing Office. The test will be an expense to the student. Please contact the Testing Office for details at 501-279-4415 or online at
  2. If the applicant’s entire educational experience has been in the United States, the applicant is not required to take the TOEFL. To document this, the applicant must provide records/transcripts from the time that the applicant entered school in the first grade through junior high, high school, and college. If the applicant cannot provide this documentation, the applicant may appeal first to the Carr College of Nursing Admissions Committee, and then to the dean of the college.


Nursing majors interested in honors courses are to apply through the Honors College office. Nursing courses that can be taken for Honors credit are NURS 100 , NURS 351 , NURS 352 , NURS 354 , NURS 363 , NURS 412 , NURS 452 , and all Level II nursing courses; this selection of courses constitutes a full upper-division nursing honors program in collaboration with the Honors College .  Students unconditionally admitted to the Carr College of Nursing who maintain a 3.25 overall grade point average may graduate from the Honors College by earning a minimum of 20 hours of honors credit completing at least four honors contracts and any courses designated as (H) sections or HNRS courses.

Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society

The Epsilon Omicron Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Inc., a collegiate honor society in nursing, was chartered at Harding University on Feb. 9, 1982. Application for this chapter was made by the local Honor Society of Nursing that was installed in fall 1976. Membership in Sigma Theta Tau is by invitation based on demonstration of outstanding qualities in character, leadership, nursing ability and scholastic achievement.

Second Major in Leadership and Ministry

Students interested in a second major in leadership and ministry must take 33 hours of Bible courses as specified in the leadership and ministry major listed in the College of Bible & Ministry  catalog section. Requirements for this major may be partially met through Bible courses required for the nursing major.

Health Care Mission Opportunities

Nursing is an ideal profession for service to others. In addition to the many clinical opportunities, the nursing curriculum offers numerous stateside and international health care missions clinical opportunities. Since the first graduating class in 1977, nursing students have participated in health care missions as part of the nursing curriculum. Both short term (7-10 days) and long term (4-6 weeks or up to a semester) opportunities are available. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in health care missions as a part of their nursing experiences.

In fall 2007, Harding University in Zambia (HIZ) was begun. This International Programs  site has a health missions emphasis and nursing students are encouraged to participate in this semester-long experience. Students may work toward completion of their health missions minor  while participating in the HIZ program. This type of experience greatly enhances students’ cultural awareness and provides additional opportunities to follow in the footsteps of the Great Physician. Contact the nursing health missions coordinator for details.

Interdisciplinary Missions Course

BMIS 388 , Development Ministry, an interdisciplinary missions course between the Carr College of Nursing and the College of Bible & Ministry, is offered during intersession. This course provides hands-on training in various types of benevolent outreach to the poor, including appropriate technology, water development and sanitation, primary health care, intensive gardening, and livestock management. Students are introduced to theological as well as strategic issues in relief and development. This 12-day intersession course is held at Harding University Tahkodah (HUT) in Floral, Ark., where students experience living in a global village.     

Nursing Fees and Incidental Expenses

In addition to general fees, Harding administers special fees for NURS 100 , NURS 203 , NURS 210 , NURS 300 , NURS 315 , NURS 321 , NURS 344 , NURS 350 , NURS 351 , NURS 352 , NURS 362 , NURS 413 , NURS 450 , NURS 452 , NURS 453 , NURS 454 , NURS 455  and NURS 462 

Beyond fees administered by the University, nursing majors incur personal incidental expenses for which students are personally responsible. These include selected clinical expenses, standardized tests, health-related expenses, NCLEX-RN licensure application fees, health insurance, uniforms, equipment and transportation expenses. The table below lists approximate expenses.


Item Amount
Prenursing Uniforms, Lab coat, Name Badge, Insignia $230.00
  Gas for car ($11/trip X 5 trips) $55.00

Equipment (watch with second hand, blood pressure cuff, bandage scissors, tuning fork, reflex hammer, near vision card, penlight)
stethoscope (price varies depending on type)


$75.00 - 150.00

  Mobile Computing Device $100.00
Level I Gas for car ($25/trip x 42 trips/semester) $1,050.00
Level II Research poster, etc. $25.00
  Senior licensure expenses (licensure application, fees and expenses) $450.00
  Gas for car ($25/trip X 42 trips/semester) $1,050.00

Costs listed are approximate and subject to change. Computer requirement: Effective Fall 2015, all students involved in the nursing degree program must have ready access to a laptop computer and designated software.  Specific computer and software requirements are posted on the Harding University Carr College of Nursing website.  Courses that require the student to regularly bring a laptop to class include all nursing courses numbered 300 and above.  Each student must carry nursing liability insurance, which is included in course fees. Students are responsible for their own transportation to all health facilities where learning experiences are provided. Each student must have access to a car during the entire nursing program for individual clinical experiences.

These costs are above the usual University fees and tuition charges.

Carr College of Nursing



Bachelor of Science in Nursing
