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    Harding University
  Feb 06, 2025
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
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2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

College of Bible & Ministry


Dean: Monte Cox, Ph.D


Thomas C. Alexander, Ph.D.
Jerry Bowling, Ph.D.
Joe Brumfield, Ed.D.
Eddie Cloer, D.Min.
Ross Cochran, Ph.D.
Mike Ireland, D.Min.
Dale W. Manor, Ph.D.
Lewis L. Moore, Ph.D.
     Chair of Marriage and Family Therapy
Edward P. Myers, D.Min., Ph.D.
Sherry Pollard, Ed.D.
Vann Rackley, Ph.D.
William Richardson, D.Min.
     Director of the Center for Advanced Ministry Training
Daniel B. Stockstill, Ph.D.
     Associate Dean
Philip Thompson, D.Min.
     Director of the Center for Preaching
Randy Willingham, D.Min.
     Director of the Center for Spiritual Leadership

Associate Professors:

Scott E. Adair, D.Min.
     Director of the Center for Family Ministries
Monte Cox, Ph.D.
G. Scot Crenshaw, Ph.D.
Shawn Z. Daggett, Th.D.
     Director of the Center for World Missions
R. Allen Diles, Th.D.
Justin Moore, Ph.D.
Kevin J. Youngblood, Ph.D.

Assistant Professors:

Andrew Baker, M.A.
     Director of the Mitchell Center for Leadership & Ministry
James S. Bury, M.R.E.
Lee Edwards, M.Ed.
Nathan Guy, M.Phil.
Kraig Martin, Ph.D.
Bruce McLarty, D.Min.
     University President
Daniel Oden, Ph.D.
Peter Rice, Ph.D.
Phillip Devin Swindle, M.Div.
Anessa Westbrook, M.Div.
Timothy P. Westbrook, M.Div.
     Director of the Center for Distance Delivery Bible
Dan Williams, Ph.D.
     Vice President for Church Relations


Gary Jackson, M.A.
Mac S. Sandlin, M.Div.

Missionaries in Residence:

Marvin Crowson, B.A. (Domestic)
O’Neal Tankersley, B.A. (International)

Visiting Missionary

Marcus Reese, M.A.

Assisting from Other Colleges:

Michael Claxton, Ph.D.
Steve Cooper, Ph.D.
Cliff Ganus III, D.M.A.
Paul Haynie, Ph.D.
Jerry Myhan, M.S.N.
Jon Singleton, Ph.D.

The College of Bible and Ministry at Harding University seeks to lead all students to know, live and share God’s Word and to understand, love and serve God’s world through and beyond their chosen vocation.

Bible major transfer policies: Students who transfer from other colleges or universities and who major in Bible are required to take 10 upper-level hours in Bible at Harding. Six of these must be in the Old and New Testament divisions and the remaining four distributed according to the recommendation of the dean.

Schools of preaching: Students wishing to transfer from schools of preaching and/or graduates from two-year schools of preaching who enter Harding may apply for up to 40 hours of credit in Bible, biblical languages and missions courses. The process for validating the transferred credit follows University policies found in the Course Policies  section.

Formal Admission to BA programs in the College of Bible and Ministry:

The College of Bible and Ministry seeks to partner with its majors to accomplish the college’s mission, to make explicit the college’s standards of excellence, and to equip students for specific needs of ministry. As a college we recognize the high standards, expectations, and demands that are necessary personally and professionally to work in ministry.

The following process is required for admission into the BA majors of the College of Bible and Ministry:

  1. Provisional admission to the College of Bible and Ministry
    1. All entering and transfer students desiring to pursue BA majors in the College of Bible and Ministry will be granted “provisional admission.”
    2. Provisional admission allows students to apply for and receive scholarships offered by the College of Bible and Ministry.
    3. During provisional admission students must achieve and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA for all course work and a minimum of 2.5 GPA for courses taken within the College of Bible and Ministry.
  2. Full admission to the College of Bible and Ministry
    1. Students must apply for formal admission in the semester in which the student completes 45 hours of college credit including a minimum of 9 hours in the College of Bible and Ministry or appropriate transfer hours. Provisionally accepted students must apply before their 60 hour degree audit. Transfer students with more than 60 hours must apply during the first semester at Harding.
    2. The following documents must be submitted to the College of Bible and Ministry:
      1. An application, provided by the College of Bible and Ministry.
      2. Two academic references, with at least one reference from the faculty of the College of Bible and Ministry, who has taught the student and can attest that the student has the character, disposition, habits, and abilities suited for a major in Bible and Ministry at Harding University.
      3. A recommendation from a Searcy area church leader attesting to the student’s current regular attendance and involvement with a local congregation.
      4. A character reference from a non-relative, church leader in the student’s home community, who can attest that the student has the character, disposition, habits, and abilities suited for a major in the College of Bible and Ministry at Harding University.
    3. Acceptable reports from the offices of Student Life and the Provost concerning the applicant’s character and academic standing.
    4. Only students with full admission to the College of Bible and Ministry may:
      1. Enroll in 300 and 400 level sections of courses for majors in the College of Bible and Ministry.
      2. Be awarded any of the primary BA majors offered in the College of Bible and Ministry.
    5. Probationary status in the College of Bible and Ministry.
      1. In the event that a student’s GPA falls below the requirements (at least a 2.5 GPA on courses within the College of Bible and Ministry and a 2.0 GPA on overall coursework), the student is placed on probation.
      2. Students will also be placed on probation for unacceptable reports from the office of Student Life.
      3. Students may also be placed on probation if the student’s local faith community or a University faculty member submits a written concern about a student’s character, disposition, habits and abilities that are not suited for a major in Bible and Ministry at Harding University.
      4. Students have one semester to correct the issues that put them on probation and apply for readmission into the program.
    6. Any student suspended from the University must, following the student’s readmission to the University, also reapply for full admission to the College of Bible and Ministry following the process described above.

Bible and Ministry Core*

All first majors in the College of Bible and Ministry share a uniform core of classes that serve as foundational to all future ministry pursuits. The purpose of the core is to equip all majors with basic tools and knowledge for ministry. The College of Bible and Ministry core consists of:

Courses Hours Credit  
BDOC 251  or PHIL 252   3  
BFAM 330   3  
BHIS 340   3  
BHIS 341  or BHIS 344   3  
BIB 252   3  
BIB 409   3  
BIB 419   3  
BMIN 321   3  
BMIN 325   3  
BMIN 329   3  
BMIN 423   1  
BMIS 280  or BMIS 386   3  
BNEW 111   2  
BNEW 113   2  
BNEW 310   3  
BOLD 203   2  
BOLD 207   2  
BOLD 309   3  
GRK 171  / HEB 176   3  
GRK 172  / HEB 177   3  
GRK 271  / HEB 275   3  
Total 57  


*The core does not apply to Leadership and Ministry Second Majors or BMIN.

Special Notes for Majors in the College of Bible and Ministry

  1. Hours in Bible required as part of the Liberal Arts component of the degree are included in the respective majors in the College of Bible and Ministry.
  2. Majors are encouraged to take courses in the College of Bible and Ministry with variable credit for 2 hours so that more courses may be taken unless required otherwise by the program of study.
  3. Biblical language courses may satisfy the equivalent textual study. Contact the College of Bible and Ministry for additional information.
  4. Unless an additional Bible major is sought, only 12 hours above the minimum for the major can be applied toward the 128 hours for graduation, though students may elect to take more than these 12 hours.


The Center for Advanced Ministry (CAMT) training offers an accelerated program within the College of Bible and Ministry that provides ministry training for nontraditional students (age 24 and older), leading to a Bachelor of Ministry degree .

The CAMT baccalaureate program is a two-year to three-year cohort experience depending on the student’s prior university-level preparation. Students must meet all admission requirements to Harding and CAMT. They must pass all courses in the BMIN curriculum and the specified Liberal Arts courses at the required standards outlined below. The student must also meet all of Harding’s graduation requirements. Students take one or two classes each semester that are exclusive to students in the program. Students participate in a daily chapel program together and are paired with mentors in local congregations for a practical ministry apprentice program.

Provisional admission is granted to students who have little or no prior university-level coursework. Full acceptance is granted after students have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours (either in-residence hours earned at Harding and/or transfer hours), 22 credit hours of which must be general education courses from the liberal arts program , including 6 hours of English Composition.

College of Bible & Ministry